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The marketplace for gun scopes can be fairly overwhelming. There are dozens of brands in the scope market, and each one has a whole range of scopes available. And to make things more puzzling, there are any number of options and variations on a given model! It takes a lot of time and effort to sort through them all, and pinpoint the differences between each one.

We’re hunters and shooters like you, and we know how time-consuming and irritating it can be to shop for a scope online.

Online reviews for scopes tend to fall into one of two categories: extremely vague and unhelpful, or stiflingly boring. We started this site to bridge the gap between the two.

Our reviews aim to give you the information you need without bogging you down with details. We’ll answer a few specific questions for each scope, so you can quickly get a sense of what you need, and how much you should expect to pay.

We’ve compared features, specs, and manufacturer info on dozens of popular scopes. After our initial searches, we came up with a few scopes for each of the most popular guns and shooting types, from night vision scopes to basic .22 scopes.

Then, we went looking for more info. We read expert reviews from periodicals and hardcore gun enthusiast sites, as well as reviews from previous buyers of each model. We’ve consolidated all of this research into our own concise but complete reviews for each scope!

You can find our main page (/). We’ve written quick overviews of each of our other scope pages, and provided some blurb reviews so you can get a feel for each category. Plus, our main page has some general information and FAQ on gun scopes, including breakdowns of important technical lingo and specs.

You can click on any of the categories to read more about how to shop for each type of scope, and find our full, in-depth reviews of each scope.

We hope this site helps you find your perfect scope quickly, without the hassle of doing all the research on your own.

After all, who wants to be inside shopping when you could be in the field, or in your treestand?

Happy hunting!